Mobile phone

Techy Tea Party

FREE weekly meet ups - 14th, 21st and 28th June
11am - 12.30pm
Do you want to learn how to use your mobile device?
Our volunteers will show you how to use basic features and access services online services.

Informal session for beginners .. with tea, or coffee.

Our volunteers will walk you through common features of your mobile device. Using services online, downloading and installing apps, making video calls, social media, and more.Wifi will be available at the venue.

Before you come

Please have a think about what you would like help with. Make sure you have your login details for your mobile device (Apple ID/Google ID). And make sure your device is charged up!

Hosted by DiverCity Hub

A centre for health & well being, sports, extra curricular activities, education and participation.

Techy Tea Party

This is our pilot session run by volunteers. Please note there are limited spaces.